Private Natural Heritage Reserve

In 1995 the area where the Soka Amazon Institute is located was accredited by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) as aPrivate Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Nazaré das Lajes e Lajes (Ministerial Ordinance number 49 of June 1995).

In 1996, in a tribute from the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBIO), the RPPN was renamed Dr. Daisaku Ikeda RPPN. This was implicit recognition of the efforts of the Institute's founder for the preservation of biodiversity and environmental education in the Amazon region.

Archeological and
historical sites

Treasures from the past continue
being researched

Contact the Soka Amazon Institute


Soka Institute for Environmental Studies and Research of the Amazon
R. Des. Anizio Jobim, 980
Colônia Antônio Aleixo,
Manaus – AM, ZIP 69008-450, Brazil

WhatsApp / Phone

+55 92 3030-3549



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