Be our partner:

The Amazon and the
planet thank you

Companies often want to participate, but don’t know how
It is not the Soka Amazon Institute’s intention to assume the role of sole protagonist. Also, because in every action we develop there is always a role of paramount importance for our partners. Join this group of public and private organizations that have been decisive for the realization of our projects.

Let's do it together.

Problems that need to be addressed

A very stimulating detail: one can notice in each of these companies the intention, above all else, to do something to solve the problems of the Amazon that need to be overcome.

They want to participate.

And they don’t know how.

These partners feel secure because they monitor and participate in the execution of projects. 

They see values being implemented, as well as true, practical actions that lead to obvious results.

The realization that the experience of our teams – whether in planting, scientific activities, or environmental education – is what actually makes the dreams they had of collaborating into a reality, as they were initially not sure that the resources would be well applied.

One notices the interest in actively participating in preservationist projects without aiming at an institutional return. They do not focus on discussions about linking the name of their companies to the actions developed. At the same time that they integrate their teams, they are enthusiastic about publicizing their partnerships to other entrepreneurs, in a kind of excellent word-of-mouth dissemination.

Forms of partnership

Legal Entities

Institutional Support

Carbon sequestration is how nature acts: each tree planted begins to offset greenhouse gas emissions. The Soka Amazon Institute supports specialized consultants for its clients’ projects by providing seedlings suitable for each specific area and monitoring their development through georeferencing of each tree planted.

Recovery of degraded areas

Our Partners

Prancheta 27
Prancheta 28
Prancheta 29
Prancheta 30
Prancheta 32
Prancheta 33
Prancheta 34
Prancheta 35
Prancheta 36
Prancheta 37
Prancheta 38
Prancheta 39
Prancheta 41
Prancheta 43
Prancheta 44
Prancheta 45
Prancheta 46
Prancheta 48
Prancheta 49
Prancheta 50
Prancheta 51
Prancheta 52
Prancheta 53
Prancheta 54
Prancheta 55
Prancheta 56
Prancheta 57
Prancheta 58
Prancheta 59
Prancheta 60
Prancheta 61
If you are interested in learning more
information on how to develop projects
with the Institute, please contact us:
If you prefer, fill out the form below:

Contact the Soka Amazon Institute


Soka Institute for Environmental Studies and Research of the Amazon
R. Des. Anizio Jobim, 980
Colônia Antônio Aleixo,
Manaus – AM, ZIP 69008-450, Brazil

WhatsApp / Phone

+55 92 3030-3549


If more convenient,
fill out the form below