Instituto Soka Amazônia

Emergency initiative in response to the drought on the Rio Negro:
Soka Amazon Institute and partner enterprises donate potable water and food to riverside communities

Written by Dulce Moraes, Instituto Soka Amazônia (Manaus, AM) Soka Amazônia (Manaus/AM)

Puxirum (a Tupi word meaning “help between neighbors or community”) is the name given to the solidarity action carried out on Wednesday (11) by the Soka Amazon Institute and its partners for the benefit of riverside household.

The two local floating communities assisted – Lago do Catalão and Paraná do Xiborena – are part of the district of Iranduba/AM and are among the many communities affected by the climate emergency triggered by the extreme (and historic) drought of rivers and streams in the region, a situation worsened by the heavy smog from the fires that shroud the city of Manaus and the neighboring districts.

The initiative – coordinated by the Soka Amazon Institute in partnership with the companies Breitener Energética, Gaia Eco, Tutiplast, and Associação Brasil SGI – brought gallons of potable water, water purification kits, food baskets, and sets for Children’s Day to more than 120 riverside families in the floating communities.
The distribution of the items was organized by the head of the Lago Catalão Community and Agricultural Association, Raimunda Ferreira de Viana, who set up a tent by the river, where the families gathered to protect themselves from the scorching sun and temperatures that reached 38 degrees.

The distribution of the items was organized by the head of the Lago Catalão Community and Agricultural Association, Raimunda Ferreira de Viana, who set up a tent by the river, where the families gathered to protect themselves from the scorching sun and temperatures that reached 38 degrees.

Dona Rai, as she is known, decided to share the donated items with the families of the Paraná do Xiborena community, who are also facing water and food shortages. “Today we know that the riverside communities are suffering from this scarcity. And this is a general hardship, not restricted to Catalão. Anything I can do to help another community, I will”, said Mrs. Rai.

Afonso, a representative of the Paraná do Xiborena community, was grateful for the support: “This is what means community, one hand helping the other. We’re all in the same pain. It hurts everyone. Thank you, Dona Raimunda and the enterprises that have mobilized. Because what’s at stake is the health of the children”.

Associação Brasil SGI, owner and guardian of the RPPN Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, also allocated resources for the donation, making it possible to carry the donation to the community. Carla Osawa, who coordinates the Soka Institute’s volunteer activities, organized the donation of kits to give to the children in the communities.

For Danielle Viana, Breitener’s social responsibility manager, the action was conceived with a great deal of responsibility and a will to do good. “There are several hands holding here, several companies led by the Soka Institute. I was in Fortaleza when I saw a post from the Soka Institute about what you’re going through, and I thought: we need to do something. And here we are. It’s little, but it’s heartfelt. That’s why, in addition to the water, we decided to donate 120 basic food baskets”.

Sirlei Bis Oliveira, managing director of Gaia Eco, stressed that the action involved everyone in a spirit of solidarity and compassion. “It’s a beautiful feeling that everyone should have”. Along with gallons of water, the company donated 50 water purification kits.

Eduardo Schmidt, head of operations at Gaia Eco, explained to the community how to use the kit (bucket, cloth, plastic pipe, and proper sachet). In a simple process, each family will be able to make the water they collect from the river or well fit for human use in 30 minutes.

Lindalva Mateus, a volunteer at Tutiplast, expressed her impression of taking part in the action: “It’s a moment of solidarity with those who need it today. Our Amazon River is so large that we never imagined we’d have to go through this. I’ve been here for 19 years, and I’ve never seen this, of us being under where the river used to be. It also makes us sad to see the fish and dolphins dying. That’s why this movement that you have created and that Tutiplast has accepted is so beautiful. I can only thank you”.

The floating community of Lago do Catalão is part of the district of Iranduba/AM and is just a few kilometers from the headquarters of the Soka Amazon Institute, in the RPPN Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, facing Ponta das Lajes and the Encounter of the Waters.


Communities served: Lago do Catalão and Paraná do Xiborena (Iranduba/AM)

Households assisted: 120 families

Donated items:
255 gallons of water (of 20 liters) + 120 food baskets + 50 water purifier kits + 70 kits for Children’s Day.

Volunteers involved in the donation:
35 volunteers (directors, employees and volunteers from the Soka Amazon Institute and partner companies, residents of the Catalão community and boaters from the region).

*Due to the obstacles caused by the drought on the margin of the Rio Negro, the volunteers carried the water and food from Praia das Lajes to the boat by hand.

The Soka Amazon Institute is grateful for the continued support it receives from donors and partners, which allows it to continue its work to protect the ecological integrity and sustainable development of the Amazon with harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.

As an organization affiliated with the Earth Charter International, the Soka Amazon Institute promotes the principles of Respect and Care for the Community of Life; Ecological Integrity; Social and Ecological Justice; and Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace.

As the anchor organization of the HUB SDGs Amazonas, it is committed to achieving and promoting the Sustainable Development Goals among companies in the region. In this initiative, special attention was given to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 6 (Drinking Water and Sanitation) and SDG 17 (Partnerships and Means of Implementation).

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