Instituto Soka Amazônia


Practical and permanent actions to preserve
the biodiversity of the Amazon

Seeds, seedlings, research, environmental education in favor of nature conservation and the harmonious coexistence of Man and Nature

Welcome to
Soka Amazon Institute

The Soka Amazon Institute is the realization of a dream of Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, a pacifist, philosopher, writer, poet, and also a conservationist who had never been to the Amazon, but always had a deep insight into the importance of this Region and its biodiversity.

Our headquarters is located in the city of Manaus, state of Amazonas, within the Dr. Daisaku Ikeda private natural heritage reserve (RPPN), with 52 hectares, on the banks of the incomparable Meeting of Waters of the Negro and Solimões Rivers.

In Manaus, in the area of the
of the incomparable Meeting of Waters.

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Our founder

One vision. A tangible reality

The Soka Amazon Institute exists because of the idealization of its founder,Dr. Daisaku Ikeda. who always showed admiration for the Amazon region, considering it an "ideal paradise" of unique coexistence.

Relações que criam redes.
Redes que unem pessoas e coisas.

O portfólio de atividades do Instituto Soka Amazônia é baseado na ideia de que o valor surge das relações. Relações que promovem a criação de redes que unem as pessoas e as coisas, independente de eventuais diferenças; relações que contribuem para a expansão das redes de conexão de indivíduos. Dessa forma é fortalecida a convicção no potencial humano de todas as pessoas.

Nossas ações visam a melhoria de vida da população e são baseadas na Carta da Terra e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) por meio de três grandes pilares:

More than planting trees:

our goal is to protect
flora and fauna,
to maintain a living reserve.

That's what we talk about
when the subject is the Amazon.

Continuous work
as the Amazon requires

Whether totally accurate or maybe even distorted (for whatever reason), the numbers and facts about the Amazon that are constantly divulged around the world are disturbing, to say the least. 

The Amazon needs integrated and continuous efforts from private entities, governmental bodies, universities, companies, and individuals.

It is up to everyone to work to neutralize
disturbing numbers.


A new attitude 
towards the environment


Sum where


Scientists and students in direct contact
with the Amazonian biodiversity

Archeological and historical sites

Treasures from the past continue being researched

The area of private natural heritage reserve (RPPN) Dr. Daisaku Ikeda has archaeological and historical sites that show facts of a past – whether more or less distant – of these very special lands. From the geological point of view there are also relevant facts that should be highlighted.

Be our partner:

The Amazon and the planet thank you

It is not the Soka Amazon Institute’s intention to assume the role of sole protagonist. 

Also because in every action we develop there is always space for a role of paramount importance for our partners. 

Join this group of companies and public and private organizations that have been decisive for the realization of our projects.

Help the Amazon

Be a volunteer

Participate in our projects, help contribute to the 2030
Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN).

O Instituto em números

O Instituto é o gestor responsável pela conservação da RPPN Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, uma unidade com
52 hectares.

São produzidas anualmente
18.000 mudas
de plantas nativas da Amazônia. Em 2020 o instituto chega à marca de
100 espécies.

Juntos, os Programas “Sementes da Vida”, “Semear da Panasonic” e “Árvore do Conhecimento”, já plantaram mais de
5.000 mudas.

O programa “Academia Ambiental”, iniciado em 2017, chega a 2020 com mais de
3.000 alunos atendidos.

Em 2019 também foram atendidas mais de
2.500 crianças
em idade pré-escolar e
250 acadêmicos.

O Instituto foi responsável pela formação de
30 professores e colaboradores
de creche. Com o objetivo de preparar esses profissionais para a temática ambiental, o curso ficou conhecido como “Escola de Educadores Ambientais”.

Atualmente o Instituto atua em
5 grandes projetos,
“Academia Ambiental”, “Sementes da Vida”, “Semear da Panasonic do Brasil”, “Árvore do Conhecimento” e “Humaitá - Capital Ambiental do Amazonas”.

Nossos Parceiros

Frequently Asked Questions

How to donate

Donations can be made via bank slip, bank transfer and card (via PayPal or PagSeguro).

Upon confirmation of receipt, a contribution certificate is issued and sent to your email.

Just fill in your details in the “contribution” section and we will reply with the relevant information.
Donations from abroad are only accepted via PayPal. The system is available in the “donations” tab.

How to visit the Institute

Visits take place every Friday, except holidays. If you wish to visit with a school or university group, contact us by email: or fill out our form

In this post-pandemic period, there are no fixed schedules. The visits occur according to the reception of consultations and the availability of the teams.

The average duration of a visit is 1h30.

Under normal circumstances there would be groups of up to 40 people. For security reasons this number has been reduced to 20 people.

Yes, especially during this time when special care is still taken in forming groups of visitors.

The cost per person is R$ 10.00

How to be a volunteer:

You can fill out our form on the “volunteers”  tab and we will contact you.

All our activities take place on weekdays during business hours. Upon registration, you can inform us of the period and time that fits your schedule and we will inform you of the events, according to your availability.

We accept volunteers for academic events, planting projects and in environmental education activities.

No prior knowledge is required, as there is a brief specific training for each modality.

Contact the Soka Amazon Institute


Soka Institute for Environmental Studies and Research of the Amazon
R. Des. Anizio Jobim, 980
Colônia Antônio Aleixo,
Manaus – AM, ZIP 69008-450, Brazil

WhatsApp / Phone

+55 92 3030-3549


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Follow updated information in the Portuguese version.

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